Do you know about Rio Tinto’s partnership with UNBC?
The Tahtsa Ranges Atmospheric Rivers Experiment (TRARE) is part of the natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)/Rio Tinto Industrial Research Chair project. This is a five-year long project that has many different components dedicated to examining the hydrology of the Nechako River Watershed. This experiment is super exciting because it’s the first of its kind in Canada!
Dr. Stephen Dery is the lead on this project and has been researching Pineapple Express Storms. These storms are actually rivers in the sky that originate in the Pacific Ocean and bring LOTS of moisture to the north. Dr. Dery and his team are studying how much and what type of precipitation these storms produce to better understand how they affect the Watershed. With climate change, these storms will occur more frequently which can raise the water levels and cause landslides or washouts and harm the surrounding ecosystems. Knowing how Pineapple Express Storms affect the water, it can be easier to predict high water levels and plan accordingly.
Great work being done by Dr. Dery and his team!
Check out these videos to learn more about the work being done by Dr. Dery and his team.