Flow Facts: 5 July to 11 July 2024
- The Summer Temperature Management Program (STMP) is now in effect through to 20 August. The STMP is a provincial requirement to manage water temperatures to protect salmon during migration through the Nechako River. As such Skins Lake Spillway (SLS) discharge will fluctuate.
- SLS discharge was increased to 75 m3/s on 10 July and will be further increased to 100 m3/s on 12 July, and to 227 m3/s on 13 July. Releases are subject to change frequently throughout the STMP so please visit www.getinvolvednechako.ca for updates and real-time data.
- Reservoir level increased in the past 7 days from 2791.97 feet to 2792.25 feet.
- Zero (0) millimetres of precipitation was recorded last week, with approximately zero to five (0-5) millimetres of precipitation anticipated over the next 7 days.
- Please see images below for further details regarding current reservoir conditions.