Flow Facts: 14 April to 20 April 2023
- Reservoir level decreased in the past 7 days from 2790.95 feet to 2790.71 feet.
- Skins Lake Spillway (SLS) discharge is currently 33 m3/s and will be maintained between 32 m3/s and 34 m3/s. SLS discharge is likely to be increased in the near future as ice cover on the Nechako River recedes. Changes to the current discharge rate will be communicated through Flow Facts.
- Eight (8) millimetres of precipitation was recorded last week, with approximately ten to fifteen (10 – 15) millimetres of precipitation anticipated over the next 7 days.
- Real-time and historical information on reservoir activity can be viewed at any time by clicking here. Please see images below for further details regarding current reservoir conditions.